Take control of your information in your breast cancer journey

Take control of your information in your breast cancer journey Living with a breast cancer diagnosis is difficult enough without adding the overwhelming load of information and paperwork. No matter where you are in your journey, managing and organizing everything — symptoms, notes, recommendations, lab orders, prescriptions, test results, etc. — can feel like a […]
Caring for the ones who cared for you

Caring for the ones who cared for you Our parents might not want to admit it, but as they get older, they might need more help taking care of their home, getting around town, and managing their health. It can be a challenge navigating this stage of life and figuring out how to best support […]
Tips for self-advocacy when talking to your doctor

Tips for self-advocacy when talking to your doctor When you’re in a medical setting, you’re probably thinking about your health care provider as the expert room. But you’re also an expert in this situation! You know you best — your symptoms, experiences and history — and it’s important to make your voice heard. Advocating for […]
Raising awareness of ovarian cancer with TEAL

Raising awareness of ovarian cancer with TEAL Guest content from Tell Every Amazing Lady (TEAL) Sept. 23 marks Teal Talk Day: a day to increase ovarian cancer awareness among women. Every year, more than 300,000 women globally are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. As there is no effective screening test for ovarian cancer (the Pap test […]
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month — it’s the most common cancer among men, affecting 1 in 8 men during their lifetime. All men are at risk, with a higher risk among Black men and men with a family history. Because all men’s risk increases with age, the American […]
Tips for using Kith + Kin for your pets

Tips for using Kith + Kin for your pets Kith + Kin is for your circle, no matter what it looks like — including your furry, feathered and scaly family members. Just as you use Kith + Kin to manage health information for yourself, your kids or your partner, you can also use it for […]
3 important forms for your college student

3 important forms for your college student Getting your kids off to college is a huge milestone! They’re one step closer to independence and “adulting” on their own. When your child turns 18, they’re legally an adult, even if they still need Mom or Dad to help them through many situations. Because they’re a legal […]
Simplify the back-to-school health information routine

Simplify the back-to-school health information routine As parents get kids ready to go back to school, they’re also getting all of the kids’ stuff ready for back-to-school, including important health information. You know your kids had all the necessary back-to-school checkups, exams and immunizations last year — but when exactly? And when are they due […]
Employee benefits must keep up with workers’ caregiving needs

Employee benefits must keep up with workers’ caregiving needs Research shows that nearly a quarter of workers dedicate more than 20 unpaid hours per week to family caregiving — on top of their regular employment and all the other things life brings. We’ve known for a long time that employees sometimes struggle to balance their […]
4 Tips for tracking your child’s ear health in Kith + Kin

4 Tips for tracking your child’s ear health in Kith + Kin By Elizabeth Middlebrooks | Kith + Kin Elizabeth works part time and she’s a mom of three, including two in daycare. When her youngest had recurring ear infections, she needed to keep track of them to determine if her son needed tubes. She […]