
Your sensitive information
deserves protection.

Kith + Kin strives to treat our users with the dignity they deserve. As such, we protect the privacy and
security of our systems and user data while still empowering users to share and collaborate with their
circle to take better care of the people they care about.

How does Kith + Kin keeps your data safe?

Detailed permissions that keep you in control

When you create a profile in Kith + Kin, you’re trusting us to keep your information safe, so our access control list (ACL) permissions structure allows only those that you specify to have access to anything you put in to Kith + Kin.

A secure and password-free log in

We know passwords are kept on post-its, refrigerator doors, and unlocked note-taking apps, but your health information deserves more than that. Instead, Kith + Kin uses a one-time passcode to authenticate each user via email or text – we assume it’ll be harder to forget those!

Your data is encrypted, so only and your inner circle see it

Your sensitive information needs to stay that way, so we use multiple methods of encryption in our data storage, networking, and overall platform.

Compliant with FTC requirements

As a consumer product, our solution is compliant with FTC requirements for personal health records that do not integrate with medical records.

And much more.

You can review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for more details and how we protect your information.

© 2023 Kith + Kin