
Your circles, all in one place

Whether you're trying to diagnose your kid's continuous headaches, coordinating your mom's chemo treatments, or just writing down notes from your latest physical – we've got you.

How people are using Kith + Kin

Manage a major diagnosis with help from your circle

Between raising kids and her teletherapy practice, Rachel is a full-time provider. She also cares for her mother with stage 4 cancer, taking her to all of her treatments.

When her son wakes up with a terrible fever, she needs her brother to step in and go to the appointment with her mom to see the newest specialist.

For Rachel, Kith + Kin means she can ask for a hand when she needs it most because all the visits, treatments, specialists, and side effects are in one place and ready to share.

Stay organized and collaborate from anywhere

Jamie and his wife are struggling to diagnose their son’s stomach pains. After a few days of tracking symptoms with no improvement, they decided to see the pediatrician. The night before the appointment, his wife has to book a last minute trip for work leaving him to step in and take Sammy.

Before, they were stringing together screenshots from a group text with his mother-in-law, wife, and their babysitter just trying to make sense of it all. For Jamie, Kith + Kin means he doesn't feel like the out-of-touch dad when it comes to their son's health.

Get support from those you trust the most

Christine has always been super organized and lives by her detailed calendar. She used to manage their Autistic son’s entire medical history in 3-ring binder. It was the only way she, her wife, and mother-in-law could manage. She often felt isolated having no idea how to communicate everything to anyone without letting them borrow the binder.

For Christine, Kith + Kin means she can easily share his journey and can get advice from her friend on what to ask her son's new speech therapist.

And so much more

  • Store your kid’s vaccination records so they’re easily accessible

  • Share Fido and Fluffy’s feeding routine with your pet sitter
  • Give your Dad’s new caregiver access to his entire medical history
  • Keep all your important ID cards and health documents in one place
  • Source input from your trusted circle on questions to ask your doctor

  • Document anything that’s important to you and your loved ones

Start simply. Start today.

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