Women caregivers power America’s economy. It’s time to support them

Caregiving of any kind can be consuming and exhausting, and research tells us the challenges can be even greater for caregivers who also work outside the home. We know women are the ones primarily juggling the role of caregiver along with their professional lives, but without critical social and economic support, the juggling act becomes more difficult — and sometimes impossible.
With little outside support, millions of women provide essential care for their kids, aging spouses, parents, and other adults with disabilities. But the COVID-19 pandemic highlights that their cost-free service is attached to a big price tag, especially for women and the health of the economy. According to AARP’s report on the Economic Impact of Supporting Working Family Caregivers, if employers and governments put in place more supports for working family caregivers, the U.S. gross domestic product would jump an extra $1.7 trillion by 2030, or 5.5% over current projections.
Read more in this article: Women caregivers power America’s economy. It’s time to support them (Fast Company)